Shipping information
Our products are shipped from our own warehouse in Turku, Finland.
We can ship products around the World. If you can't select a delivery method for your location, let us know and we will add it to our shipping options, please contact us at (
Let us know if you want an express shipping option for your location, express shipping will be more expensive. Also, if the weight of your order is very high there might not be a delivery method available. In this case, contact us and we will check how we can deliver your order!
Shipping prices
The price of delivery depends on the country of delivery and the freight weight of the package. The price of the delivery will automatically appear in the shopping cart after selecting the country for your delivery.
All shipping types include tracking code.
Out of stock items
If the product you have purchased has already for some reason run out of stock, we contact you as soon as possible. We'll offer you a refund or replace the product with a similar product.
Delivery times
Common delivery times vary depending on the size of the order. Normally orders will be sent within a week unless otherwise stated.
The delivery times vary depending on the country where the delivery is. For example in Finland, delivery times are 1-4 days. In Europe from days to 2 weeks. You will see the delivery time in the shopping cart after selecting the country of delivery.
We are not responsible for delays or possible inconveniences caused by force majeure. If we have information from couriers about abnormal delivery times, we will inform about it on our website.
If you have anything to ask, please contact us via email: or in Instagram DM @lightshopfi
Minimum order
The minimum order in our webshop is 20€ worth of products (+shipping).
If you have anything to ask you can always email to us